Complete ARK Server Settings Guide Print

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Complete ARK Server Settings Guide

Note: Learn how to edit these settings in our ARK Server Settings Customization Guide


What settings can I change? 



Quality of Life Settings


  • AllowHitMarkers=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to enable hit markers for ranged attacks.

  • bAllowCustomRecipes=False
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Set to True to allow players to create custom food recipes.

  • allowThirdPersonPlayer=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to enable third-person view.

  • bAllowUnlimitedRespecs=False
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Set to True to remove the 24-hour cooldown on Mindwipe Tonic use.

  • bUseCorpseLocator=False
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Set to True to show a green beacon at your death location.

  • bUseSingleplayerSettings=False
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Set to True to apply single-player balancing multipliers, ideal for solo or small group play.

  • CraftingSkillBonusMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to boost the crafting bonus from Crafting Skill, improving quality of custom recipes and crafted blueprints.

  • EnableCryoSicknessPVE=True
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to False to disable cryo sickness in PvE.

  • FuelConsumptionIntervalMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to make fuel (e.g., wood, gas) last longer. Note: Charcoal production will take longer too.

  • HairGrowthSpeedMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to speed up hair growth.

  • ItemStackSizeMultiplier=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Increase the value to raise the global item stack size limit.

  • NonPermanentDiseases=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to remove diseases upon respawning.

  • PreventDiseases=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to disable diseases entirely.

  • PreventSpawnAnimations=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to skip the wake-up animation on spawn.

  • ServerCrosshair=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to enable a crosshair. Keep it False for a more immersive experience using weapon sights.

  • ShowFloatingDamageText=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to show floating damage numbers.

  • ShowMapPlayerLocation=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to display your location icon on the map.


Server Notifications


  • alwaysNotifyPlayerJoined=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to notify when a player joins the server.

  • alwaysNotifyPlayerLeft=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to notify when a player leaves the server.


Spoil Time Settings


  • GlobalCorpseDecompositionTimeMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to delay corpse decomposition.

  • GlobalItemDecompositionTimeMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to delay spoil time for dropped items and loot bags.

  • GlobalSpoilingTimeMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to slow down spoil timers for perishable items.




  • TamingSpeedMultiplier=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Increase the value to speed up dino taming.


Tribute Downloads


  • noTributeDownloads=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to disable survivor downloads from other servers.

  • PreventDownloadSurvivors=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to block character downloads from other servers.

  • PreventDownloadItems=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to block item downloads from other servers.

  • PreventDownloadDinos=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to block dino downloads from other servers.

  • PreventUploadSurvivors=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to block uploading characters to other servers.

  • PreventUploadItems=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to block uploading items to other servers.

  • PreventUploadDinos=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to block uploading dinos to other servers.


Experience (XP)


  • XPMultiplier=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Increase the value to boost XP gain for players, tribes, and dinos.


Game Mode


  • bDisableFriendlyFire=False
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Set to True to disable friendly fire in PvP.

  • bPvEDisableFriendlyFire=False
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Set to True to disable friendly fire in PvE.

  • bShowCreativeMode=False
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Set to True to enable Creative Mode via the ESC menu (admin access required).

  • serverForceNoHud=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to disable the HUD.

  • serverHardcore=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to activate Hardcore Mode—players respawn at level 1 after death.

  • serverPVE=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to disable PvP and enable PvE mode.


Gamma Settings


  • DisablePvEGamma=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to prevent players from changing gamma in PvE.

  • EnablePvPGamma=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to allow gamma adjustments in PvP.


Harvest Rates


  • HarvestAmountMultiplier=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Increase the value to receive more materials when harvesting (trees, rocks, corpses, etc.).

  • HarvestHealthMultiplier=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Increase the value to give harvestable resources more durability—yielding more materials per node.
    Example: Trees require more hits to chop down, but you gather more overall.


Loot Quality


  • FishingLootQualityMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to improve the quality of loot obtained from fishing.

  • SupplyCrateLootQualityMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to improve the quality of loot from supply crates.


Resource Spawn


  • ResourceNoReplenishRadiusPlayers=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to prevent resources from respawning too close to players.

  • ResourceNoReplenishRadiusStructures=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to prevent resources from respawning too close to structures.

  • ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Lower the value to make resources like trees, rocks, and bushes respawn faster.


Building and Structures


  • AllowCaveBuildingPvE=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to allow building inside caves on PvE servers.

  • AllowCaveBuildingPvP=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to allow building inside caves on PvP servers.

  • bAllowPlatformSaddleMultiFloors=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to allow multiple building floors on platform saddles.

  • bDisableStructurePlacementCollision=False
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Set to True to allow structure placement without collision restrictions—enables clipping into terrain and tighter building.

  • OverrideStructurePlatformPrevention=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to allow spike walls and turrets on platform saddles.

  • StructureResistanceMultiplier=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Lowering this value makes structures take less damage.

  • StructureDamageRepairCooldown=180
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Lowering this value shortens the cooldown before a damaged structure can be repaired. Set to 0 to remove the cooldown entirely (value is in seconds).

  • AlwaysAllowStructurePickup=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to make the quick-pickup option instantly available after placing a structure.

  • StructurePickupTimeAfterPlacement=30.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Lower the value to reduce the time window for quick pickup after placement (value in seconds).

  • AllowIntegratedSPlusStructures=True
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to False to remove integrated S+ structures introduced in the Homestead update.

  • StructurePickupHoldDuration=0.5
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Lower the value to make quick-pickup faster. Set to 0 for instant pickup (value in seconds).


Crop and Poop Rates


  • CropGrowthSpeedMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to make crops grow faster.

  • CropDecaySpeedMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Lower the value to delay crop decay.

  • PoopIntervalMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to reduce how often players and dinos poop. Too low may cause animation issues in battle.


Day and Night Cycle


  • DayCycleSpeedScale=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Lower the value to slow down the full day/night cycle.
    Example: Set to 0.035 to simulate a real-time 24-hour day.

  • DayTimeSpeedScale=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Raise the value to make daytime last longer.

  • NightTimeSpeedScale=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Lower the value to shorten the night.


Decay Rates


  • DisableDinoDecayPvE=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to disable automatic dino claim decay in PvE.

  • DisableStructureDecayPvE=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to disable structure decay in PvE.




  • DifficultyOffset=0.2
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Raise the value to increase wild dino levels, boss strength, and loot quality.
    Example: Use DifficultyOffset=1.0 and OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5.0 for max wild dino level 150.

  • OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Works with DifficultyOffset to define dino max levels and overall game challenge.
    Example: At 5.0 with DifficultyOffset=1.0, max wild dino level is 150.


Dino and Player Stats


  • DinoCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Raise the value to increase dino healing rate (affects wild and tamed dinos).

  • DinoCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Lower the value to reduce stamina drain in dinos.

  • PlayerBaseStatMultipliers[7]=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase this to boost the base weight stat gain when leveling up.
    Example: 2.0 gives +20 weight instead of +10 per level.

  • PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Lower the value to make players get hungry slower.

  • PlayerCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Raise the value to make players heal faster.

  • PlayerCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Lower the value to reduce player stamina drain.

  • PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Lower the value to make players get thirsty slower.

  • PlayerDamageMultiplier=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Increase the value to raise player attack damage.

  • PlayerResistanceMultiplier=1.0
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Lower the value to reduce incoming damage and increase resistance.




  • AllowFlyerCarryPvE=False
    Location: GameUserSettings.ini
    Description: Set to True to allow flyers to pick up dinos and players in PvE.

  • bAllowFlyerSpeedLeveling=False
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Set to True to allow leveling Movement Speed on flyers again.

  • -ForceAllowCaveFlyers
    Location: Command Line (Custom End)
    Description: Add this parameter to enable cave flying on all maps (including Genesis).
    Note: Leaving it False disables cave flying everywhere.


Breeding and Mating


  • BabyCuddleGracePeriodMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to extend the grace period before a baby dino loses imprinting quality after missing a cuddle.

  • BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Lower the value to reduce the time between cuddle interactions.
    Note: When using a high BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier, this should be reduced accordingly to achieve full imprinting.
    Example: BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=5 and BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier=0.25 allow 100% imprinting with 2-hour cuddle intervals.

  • BabyCuddleLoseImprintQualitySpeedMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Lower the value to slow down the rate at which imprint quality is lost after the grace period.

  • BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Lower the value to make babies consume food more slowly.

  • BabyImprintAmountMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to raise the imprint percentage gained per cuddle.
    Example: If 1.0 = 10%, then 2.0 = 20% imprint per cuddle.

  • BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to speed up baby dino maturation. (Time varies by species.)

  • EggHatchSpeedMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to speed up egg hatching time.

  • LayEggIntervalMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Lower the value to make dinos lay eggs more frequently.

  • MatingIntervalMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Lower the value to reduce the cooldown time before dinos can mate again.

  • MatingSpeedMultiplier=1.0
    Location: Game.ini
    Description: Increase the value to make dinos complete mating faster.


Note: Learn how to edit these settings in our ARK Server Settings Customization Guide


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